Renderings: A Relationship of the Poetic Kind

A personal essay exploring my relationship to language, but particularly how I came to know poetry I cannot fully explain how I fell in love with the art of or the technique of, but the relationship I have with poetry seems to be one of great strength and of an even...

Trip to the Beach, a poem

The water goes loop-dee-loopby the sandy shore,knocks on our castleand protests it.We were a long time building,a long long time.But there goes baby sister— clueless,flipping in the...

Kitchen Noise, a poem

Daddy wanted steak for dinner.Momma wanted fish.And once they started arguingIt sounded quite like this: “I don’t want no fish, we’d faint in here,and fish stinks up the house.””Well ‘less you got money for rent and steak,Mr. Randall will put...

Fall exhales, a poem

like my big-armedgrandmother,seated in her chair,scanning all her children, remembering the days she kepttheir faces neat, their chicken fried,bandaging their cuts, and ushering them through the forever dark, attending ceremonies and graduations on findingIt’s a boy...

Recollections, a poem

We sit herethigh to thighin the lap ofthis impossibleBlack christmasmy mother and sister-mothers to my rightmy father five yearsflown somewherein a sanctuaryof souls We joke and laughabout him fondlinghis gray-less goateeloving on mirrorsbeing filled withjolly...